This integration allows you to connect a Telegram account in a few clicks and manage messages with your customers from the Callbell chat management module.
To connect Telegram to Callbell you will need to create a "Telegram Bot" (this is not a chatbot but the way you are going to create and customize a Telegram profile for your company).
To configure your Telegram bot you will first need to have a personal Telegram account.
Open Telegram and follow these simple steps:
- Open a new conversation with BotFather (you can use this link:
- Type "/ newbot" to create a new bot. BotFather will ask you for a name (which is the name displayed on Telegram) and a username:
- Choose a name for your bot (it will be the name your customers will see when they contact you on Telegram).
- Set a Username (which must always end with bot). Ex: callbell__test_bot
- Go back to the Callbell integrations page and paste these two information in the "Telegram" section and "Edit" at the bottom of the page:
- At this point, enter the token in the window that appears:
Once this is done, you can start managing your customers' chats directly from Callbell. Remember that you will need to communicate the name of your bot to your audience through a link (ex: or through the widget installed on your website.